
Archive for June, 2014

Today is Monday, that means Brodie and I take a 3.5 – 4 mile run. We keep our course mostly the same and enjoy a run out and back from our house. Every once and a while something exciting happens. Today, the sprinklers were ON at our turn around park! He was so happy, he laid down on the grass, consumed what I am sure was non-potable water, but had a blast running through the water and rolling on the lawn.



The path we take is partially on city streets but mostly a bike trail. I like the trail because I don’t have to worry about cars. As a runner, being hit by a car is a fear. The trail affords us safety and some running luxuries, like limited leash use. When we get to our ‘turn around park’ we do a few laps around the park on their decomposed granite path. I usually let Brodie off leash at this park. No, it isn’t ‘allowed’ but if the park is empty and I have voice control over my dog – there is no harm done. I certainly don’t recommend this for people who don’t have voice control over their dogs, but not having to manage to his leash for a mile or two is nice. I can focus on myself, my running form, and my run for a bit while he goes wild at a park.

There is an unspoken language between Brodie and me while at the park. Sometimes hand signals are all he needs to know that we are going to do one more lap, come here, leave a squirrel alone (he’ll never actually catch it anyway), or leave trash or food alone. Often I signal to him that I’m done with laps, and we are going to exit the park and get back on the trail. Just recently I’ve let Brodie finish more of the run home sans leash. He is tired, he stays close, he doesn’t approach people or other dogs, and quite simply it’s easier for me. Once we get to the street, we leash-up, and obey all traffic laws until we get home.

Time to head home!

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